Monday 24 September 2012

Write a critical analysis of your edited sequence

The Production Process -
The production took us longer then expected to do, with everyone else trying to record there preliminary we had to fit around them and try our best to keep them out of shot while trying to stay out of theirs. We had many incidents where we had not taken the filming seriously and had to record over and over again till we got what we had needed. All in all the production of our short film was fun and annoying but we had managed to finish and edit in a few days earlier then expected as well.

The Variety of Shot Types used -
With part of the Preliminary we had to use certain camera shots such as close up and a P.O.V (point of view) shot. We have used these shots successfully along with match on action and long shots used in the beginning of our video. We also heavily used the panning shot which is when you turn the camera from one side to the other.

Quality of Footage -
Most of the time we used the tripod to keep the camera steady but we didn't always want the camera on the tripod nor did we want to keep it still so when we did the P.O.V shots we made it as realistic as possible rather than trying to keep the camera still all the time.

Preliminary task for film studies

Here me and Shelby made a preliminary short film for our film studies course work, which is suppose to be in the genre of horror but ours is more thriller based.